As we look back at our story, we find ourselves tracing back to the dawn and rich history of our establishment. International School Suva was founded by a dedicated and committed group of parents in 1973 with a vision to provide world class international education in Fiji and to positively shape the lives of future generations.

Over the years, our voyage has been marked by countless achievements and milestones from building developments, the introduction of renowned international curriculum, the awarding of important international accreditations, and most importantly the education of generations of students. Please see a visual timeline of some of those key moments:

  • School Founded


  • Principal R. D. Murray

    Introduction of Secondary School Prefect System

    Completion of C Block (now Reception & Primary Arts room block)

    Introduction of Fiji School Leaving Certificate (FSLC) – circa 1981

    1st class of Seniors (Form 6) – 7 students only.

    School had students from 26 different nations.

    Ocean connection – school Aquarium Club. Students would go out to Makaluva Island (next to Nukulau) to collect fish etc for the school Aquarium. Bob Tuxson (marine biologist, PE teacher) ran the club.





  • Lali replaced the siren. Lali Bure built – 1st Lali bure built near Block D school entrance – Built by the elders of Sawakasa village.



  • First school logos introduced. Logo 1: Alex Szafraniec: International School Association on the outside, ISS (2nd S for Secondary) on the inside and for Primary iPS.




  • Senior Bure


  • 1st combined secondary and primary magazine

    Lali Bure got a new roof

    Reconstruction of seniors bure


  • Principal Blair Forster, 1989 – 1992


  • Fiji School Leaving Certificate

    1989 - 1991

  • Fiji Form 7 Curriculum

    Formal preparations for the introduction of the IB Diploma

    Completion of Master Plan: expansion and development of the Laucala B. Estate Campus

    School Magazine proofread and printed from floppy discs in the Computer lab

    Full computerization of the Library System

    Introduction of IB Diploma

    Introduction of IGCSE


  • Opening of B Block by Education Minister, Ms Taufa Vakatale

    Opening of the school Bure in February


  • Director David Hill, 1994 – September 1998


  • 1995 all teaching Staff put on Contracts


  • ISS Pre-school Green cottage opens

    Four school terms (2 Semesters) established


  • Acting Director Anne Fowles, October – December 1998

    Silver Jubilee

    PYP and MYP introduced



  • Principal Peter Krikstolitis, 1999 – 2001 (Civilian Coup of 2000)

    IB PYP Authorised

    Phasing out of FSLC/Fiji Form 7 exams

    Formal development of the Alumni group initiated by Mrs Ethel Naidu, Mrs Carol Apted and Mr Wayne O’Connor

    Development of the school website led by IT teacher, Sharon Singh

    ISS Staff Association registered in March

    Change of Governance structure – new School Council replaces the School Board, as per the McNally Report

    The former leadership title of the ‘Principal’ is retained

    Introduction of Evening Classes for adults: flower arrangement, cooking, computer classes etc


  • Deputy Principal Geoff Wessling


  • Principal Dianne Korare, 2003 – 2011


  • Introduced BSSS ACT as a second tertiary qualification for all Y11 and 12 students


  • Restructure of Secondary School, Middle School and High School, shared staffing & resources across both schools (January)


  • Construction of MPH begins



  • Opening of MPH in Nov 2007 – US Ambassador Larry Dinger (also a parent)


  • Withdrew from MYP


  • Maintenance workshop was constructed and completed


  • Principal Anna Marsden, 2012 – 2016

    Opening of new Administration block, Library.

    Library moved from the ground floor of B Block to its current location.


  • Admin/Library/IT/Canteen construction commenced


  • Middle School Reform ( Dedicated building, redesigning of B Block, Staffing and Resources)

    Introduction of MS school-based inquiry program, based on Cambridge Lower Secondary Curriculum.

    Dedicated High School building – D Block

    Two curriculum pathways for Y11 and 12 students choosing either the ACT or the IB Diploma program.\

    IGCSE continues in Years 9 & 10

    Admin/Library/IT/Canteen buildings completed\

    L Block construction commenced

    Logo 3 introduced: Shayna Patel – Logo competition winner – new logo launched March 2015.


  • L Block completed

    Primary Soft Play Area construction begins

    Construction of access road begins


  • Acting Principal, Hector Hatch ( Semester 1 2017)


  • Principal Steve Cathers Semester 2 2017 – End Semester 1 2023

    Primary Soft Play Area completed


  • School-wide Oceans Program

    Commencement of J Block


  • B Block office construction


  • Annex added to Middle School building to increase the instructional space to make space for increasing numbers

    MYP authorised (reintroduced)


  • Introduction of a school mascot, The Vai

    Introduction of the School Motif and Flag

    Completion and opening of the Cafe Vai


  • Completion of J Block

    Work on K Block commences


  • Year 12 Study Center completed and opened


  • Access road completed & opened

    50th Anniversary Gala & Events


  • Principal, Thomas van der Wielen Semester 2 2023


  • Introduction of a school mascot, The Vai

    Introduction of the School Motif and Flag

    Completion and opening of the Cafe Vai


From humble beginnings, we have grown into a prestigious institution renowned for fostering intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, service to others, a deep appreciation for global perspectives, environmental stewardship with an emphasis on Ocean Literacy, a love for our home & host country, and an unstoppable focus on developing and empowering the students in our charge.

Yet, our story is not just one of individual student triumphs, but also of collective unity and resilience. Like a flotilla sailing in unison, our faculty, staff, parents, and alumni have stood together, weathering storms and celebrating victories as one cohesive community.