The International Republican Institute (IRI) has commended the efforts of the People’s Coalition Government in promoting democracy and good governance, inclusive development, and prioritizing women and youth empowerment.
This was conveyed at a meeting held between the Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hon. Lenora Qereqeretabua and the IRI’s Regional Program Director for the Pacific Islands, Ms. Monika Le Roy.
Hon. Qereqeretabua welcomed the IRI’s support for Fiji’s development priorities and acknowledged IRI’s work in Fiji.
She said that working in solidarity with development partners including global agencies is key to advancing Fiji’s national interest and capitalise on avenues to empower our women and youths, and communities.
Ms. Roy congratulated Hon. Qereqeretabua for the assumption of her new office at Fiji Ministry of Foreign Affairs and thanked her for sharing her perspectives on how best IRI can realign its efforts in Fiji to support our national priorities.
IRI had the opportunity to learn about Hon. Qereqeretabua’s experience as a Fijian woman in Fijian politics, and how the IRI could draw on her experience and that of other past and present women in politics to support the broader participation of Fijian women in public life.
Ms. Roy highlighted that IRI is in the final stages of approvals for a project to support Fiji’s municipal elections with aim to increase participation of women in the municipal elections process.
IRI also had discussions around request for support with legislative drafting, possible support to what will be the newly formed democratic municipal councils.
Ms. Roy said they will also reach out to youths and marginalized communities to engage them in the decision-making processes that impact them.
IRI more recently worked with local civil society to support voter registration and get-out-the-vote efforts for Fiji’s December 2022 national elections.
Previous areas of activity in Fiji have also included Pacific Leadership Training for women leaders.
Currently, IRI’s main program in the Pacific Islands is geared at supporting governments and civil society in mainstreaming a gender lens in climate and environmental governance in ways that recognize women’s agency, knowledge, and leadership.
IRI is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to advancing democracy worldwide.
Globally, it works with a variety of local partners, civil society leaders, journalists, policymakers to develop the expertise and skills to strengthen democratic processes and institutions.