Asia Development Bank

Mr. Aaron Patten

Regional Director


South Pacific Sub-Regional Office
Level 5, Ra-Marama
91 Gordon Street
Postal Address: Private Mail Bag

Food & Agriculture Organization

Ms Joann Young

FAO Sub-Regional Representative( Suva Office- OIC)

(685) 20 710, 22 127

Fax : (685) 22 126
Postal Address: FAO Private Mail Bag Apia, SAMOA

International Federation of the Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies Regional Delegation – Pacfic

Ms. Katie Greenword

Head of Regional Delegation Office

331 1855 | 9991019

Head of Regional Delegation Office
46 Gordon Street,
Level 2, Damodar House, Suva
Fax: 331 1406
Postal Address: P O Box 2507, SUVA

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

Ms. Megan Rock

Head of Pacific Regional Delegation in the Pacific

330 2156 | 9988770

Regional Delegation for the Pacific
Level 6, Pacific House
1 Butt Street
Fax: 330 2919
Postal Address: P O Box 15565

InternationaL Monetary Fund

Ms. Leni Hunter

Resident Representative

3304866 | 3304065 | 3304345

Tower 7, Reserve Bank of Fiji Building
Pratt Street
Fax: 3304065
Postal Address: P O Box 172

International Labour Organisation

Mr. Christian Viegelahn

Officer in Charge

331 3866

8th Floor FNPF Place
Fax: 330 0248
Postal Address: GPO Box 14500

International Union for Conservation of Nature

Mr. Mason Smith

Régional Director

3319 084

Regional Office for Oceania
5 Ma’afu Street
Fax: 3100128
Postal Address: Private Mail Bag, Suva
Internet : http//

Japan International Cooperation Agency

Ms. Mayumi Amaike

Resident Representative

330 2522

Level 8, Suva Central Building
Fax: 330 2452
Postal Address: Private Mail Bag, SUVA
Office Hours
Monday – Friday: 8.30 am – 1.00 pm
2.00 pm – 4.30 pm

Korea International Cooperation Agency

Mr. Kapche Ra

Country Representative

7734 519

Ramarama House, 91 Gordon Street
Office Hours
Monday- Friday: 8.30am – 4.30pm

Oceania Fisheries Cooperation Foundation

Mr. Taku Kitazawa

Resident Representative

330 4044

Mr. Masahiro Toyooka
Assistant Resident Representative Town Hall Road
Fax: 330 4069
Postal Address: Private Mail Bag, Suva
Ruby- 9924051 |

Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat

H.E Mr. Henry Puna

Secretary General

331 2600 | 330 3106

Mr. Esala Nayasi
Deputy Secretary General
Ratu Sukuna Road, SUVA
Fax: 302204
Office Hours
Monday – Thursday: 8.30 am – 5.00 pm
Friday: 8.30 am – 4.30 pm
Postal Address: Private Mail Bag, Suva

Pacific Financial Technical Assistance Centre

Mr. Samir Jahjah

Centre Coordinator

330 4866

Tower 7 Reserve Bank Building
Fax: 330 4045
Postal Address: G P O Box 14877, SUVA
Office Hours
Monday – Friday: 8.00 am – 5.00 pm

Secretariat of the Pacific Community

Dr. Paula Vivili

Deputy Director General

337 0733 | 337 0804 | 370 496

3 miles, Nabua
Fax: 337 0021 | 338 7854
Office Hours
Monday – Thursday: 8.00 am – 4.30 pm
Friday: 8.00 am – 4.00 pm

South Pacific Board for Education Assessment

Dr. Michelle Belisle


3315600 | 3302141

P O Box 2083
Government Buildings
Fax: 3302898

South Pacific Applied GeoScience Commission

Ms. Rhonda Robinson

Director Geoscience

338 1377

Mead Road, Nabua, SUVA
Tel: 338 1377 Fax: 337 0040
Postal Address: SOPAC Secretariat
Private Mail Bag, SUVA
Office Hours
Monday – Thursday: 8.00am – 4.30pm
Friday: 8.00 am – 4.00 pm

South Pacific Tourism Organisation

Mr. Christopher Cocker

Chief Executive Officer


FNPF Plaza (Level 3)
Victoria Parade
Fax: 3301995
Postal Address: P O Box 13119, Suva

United Nations Development Programme

Ms. Munkhtuya Altangerel

Resident Representative


Kadavu House (Level 8)
4141 Victoria Parade

United Nations Population Fund

Mr. Lori Kato

UNFPA Director/Representative

3230 700

Level 5 FNPF Place
343-359 Victoria Parade
Fax: 312785
Private Address: Private Mail Bag, SUVA
Office Hours
Monday – Friday: 8.00 am – 5.00 pm

UNESCAP Pacific Operations Centre (EPOC)

Ms. Andie Fong – Toy


3319 669

Mr. Sundip Basu
Deputy Head & Senior Sustainable Dev Officer
UNESCAP Pacific Operations Centre
Pacific Operation Center:
Level 5, Kadavu House
Victoria Parade
Fax: 3319 671

United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF)

Mr. Jonathan Veitch

Representative – Pacific Countries

3300 439

3rd Floor Fiji Development Bank Building
360 Victoria Parade
Fax: 3301 667
Postal Address: Private Mail Bag, Suva
Office Hours
Monday – Friday: 8.00am – 5.00pm

World Bank

Mr. Stefano Mocci

Country Manager – South Pacific

322 8900

Ms Judith Green
IFC Country Manager
Office Address:
Level 2, My FNPF Centre Building
Grieg Street, SUVA
Office Hours:
Monday- Friday: 8.30am -1.00pm
2.00pm – 4.30pm

World Health Organisation (WHO)

Dr. Mark Andrew Jacobs

WHO Representative

3234 100

Office Address: Level 4
Provident Plaza 1
Downtown Boulevard
33 Ellery Street
Fax: 3234166 & 3234177
Mailing Address: P.O Box 113 Suva, Fiji.

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization


Director of Office and UNESCO Representative to the Pacific States

3313 005

Ramarama House
Level 3,
South Wing
91 Gordon Street, Suva