The German Government has reaffirmed its support to Fiji and the Pacific region in its efforts to advance economic recovery and resilience.
This was articulated this afternoon (25/08/22) at a courtesy call received by the Permanent Secretary, Office of the Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs, Mr Yogesh Karan from the (GIZ) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Country Director for the Philippines and Pacific Islands Mr Immanuel Gebhardt.
PS Karan congratulated Mr Gebhardt and wished him well on his new appointment as he assumes his new role at GIZ.
He said Fiji and Germany continue to strengthen relations over the years and GIZ is a reflection of the German Government’s support in international cooperation for sustainable development.
On behalf of the Fijian Government, PS Karan acknowledged the existing collaboration with the German Government through the GIZ in areas of climate adaptation, sustainable energy, forest conservation, marine and coastal biodiversity management, amongst others.
PS Karan said the newly launched 2050 Strategy outlines priorities that GIZ and other development partners can use as a guide to work with Fiji.
He highlighted that amidst the global challenges, enduring partnerships remains crucial to building a sustainable future which is greener, bluer and better for the present and future generations.
In response, Mr Gebhardt said the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs has outlined in its Policy Guidelines for the Indo-Pacific region, that it will continue to expand support to Fiji and Pacific Island states, underlining the importance of sustainable natural resource use for economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.
On behalf of the German Government, GIZ will continue to support Fiji and the Pacific Island partner countries by assisting national governments in their efforts in climate change adaptation and mitigation, low carbon sea transport, climate change education, human mobility, ocean governance and conserving key ecosystems for the benefit of national economies and local livelihoods.
The GIZ Country Director highlighted that there are new opportunities for engagements in particular support enhancing Pacific Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCs) through actions to mitigate carbon emissions and adapt to climate change, as well as supporting national effort’s to strengthen and broaden sustainable blue economy sectors.
He extended his appreciation to PS Karan for the opportunity to meet in person and whilst acknowledging that the discussions they had will take Fiji and GIZ cooperation to greater heights.
GIZ has been working in Fiji and Pacific partner countries for more than 40 years, supporting national efforts in sustainable forestry and agriculture, renewable energy, mitigating the effects of climate change and protecting marine and terrestrial biodiversity. Current areas of support include further technical and additional financial support to the NDC Hub – which provides country- and sector-specific technical assistance to Pacific Island countries for NDC implementation, enhancement, and financing.