Policy on Residence Permit on Assured Income

A residence permit on assured income may be issued to a person who has assets, realizable to the satisfaction of the Director of Immigration, outside the Fiji Islands at his/her disposal of an amount sufficient to ensure that he/she will not become a charge on public funds. Permits in this category are normally issued to people who are not likely to apply to work in the Fiji Islands. They may invest in any business venture approved by the Fiji Islands Trade and Investment Bureau.

The policy on residence permit on assured income is as set out below:

  • the principal applicant must be at least 45 years of age and carry health insurance;
  • the principal applicant should have an assured income and should not seek employment in the Fiji Islands;
  • the principal applicant must deposit a sum of $100,000.00 in a resident account of a local bank upon approval of the application;
  • if the principal applicant has purchased a property in the Fiji Islands, the sum of F$100,000.00 may be waived, however documentary proof of the purchase and value of property is required;
  • an additional F$30,000.00 for a family of two (2) or F$40,000.00 for a family of up to five (5) members must be deposited annually in the resident account of a local bank; and
  • the permit holder must obtain clearance from the Immigration Department for any repatriation of funds out of the country before the application is considered by the Reserve Bank of Fiji.

Applications for residence permit on assured income must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • police reports in respect of the applicant and his/her spouse from their countries of citizenship and/or residence where they have lived for twelve (12) months or more in the last ten (10) years;
  • medical reports which are less than 3 months old in respect of the applicant, his/her spouse and children;
  • a certificate from a competent authority or documentary evidence acceptable to the Director of Immigration that the applicant has adequate knowledge of the English language;
  • evidence of funds and any assured income, and a current valuation of other assets; and
  • the requisite application fee. The present application fee is F$477.00.