Note for Guidance to Foreign Citizens Who are Intending to Get Married in Fiji

Notice of Intention to Marry

Any persons who have attained the age of 18, and are intending to get married under the provision of the Marriage Act CAP 50 Section 14, can apply for notice of intention to marry.

Prescribed fee for NOI is FJD16.35; couples can use this marriage license within registry (court marriage-FJD54.50), or outside the registry.

Requirements for Notice of intention to marry:

  • Recent passport size photo of both parties
  • Birth certificate of both parties
  • Valid photo ID of both parties
  • Divorce Papers (if other party is discovered)
  • Death Certificate (if either party’s spouse is deceased)
  • Both Witness ID

With the above requirements, both parties are to be present at any BDM Registry to put up a notice for 21 consecutive days. Should no person contest this marriage, parties are able to get married after 21 days.

Special Licence to Marry

This marriage license is granted only on special circumstances. For example, foreign visitors who are in the county for a short period of time;

Local parties can also apply for the special license. Required they provide the following documents:

  • Request letter from local parties who intends to have special license marriage, explaining the reason to waiver of 21 days’ notice.
  • Recent passport size photo of both parties
  • Birth certificate of both parties
  • Valid photo ID of both parties
  • Divorce Papers (if other party is divorced)
  • Death Certificate ( if either party’s spouse is deceased)
  • Both Witness ID

Required documents for foreigners or local parties who reside in foreign countries:

  • Passport of both parties
  • Divorce Papers (if other party is divorced)
  • Death Certificate ( if either party’s spouse is deceased)
  • Two witnesses & their valid photo identification
  • Certificate of Single Status/Certificate of Search (or) Certificate of no legal impediment is required to be produced by the following marriage applicant:
    – Marriage applicants where one party is a local while the other is a foreigner
    – Marriage applicants who were former citizens of Fiji attaining citizenship abroad for two years and above
    – Marriage applicants who are foreigners
  • Statutory Declaration: for former citizens of Fiji & citizens of Fiji on work visa living abroad for less than two years
  • Marriage applicant from Japan must produce the Koseki – Shouhon, to certify their personal details.

Marriage Officers/Celebrants

Section 3,4 & 8

Marriage Celebrates in Fiji are made up of two main categories –

  • Government Officers who are working in the Marriage Registry and are registered as civil marriage officers
  • Ministers of Religion of the Christian/Hinduism & Muslim faith or other suitably qualified person professing any recognized religion. Their names must be registered and published in the Fiji Republic Gazette annually at the beginning of each year. The marriage party is to ensure that the marriage celebrant assign to solemnize their marriage has already been registered. If party selected to have the marriage in a garden, hotel and places away from the registry, arrangement for a marriage celebrant should be made two weeks before the marriage. Traveling and meal expenses for the marriage celebrant should be met by the party concerned.

Witnessing & Signing of Marriage Certificate

Section 21(1)

Every marriage in Fiji shall be performed in the presence of at least two witnesses who can sign their names and are 21 years of age and over;

  • The particulars filled in the certificate of marriage in duplicate must be typed or hand written neatly with the same particulars as appeared in the special marriage license;
  • All copies of the certificate of marriage must be signed by the party, witnessed by the witnesses and endorsed by the Marriage Officer/Celebrant.
  • One of the original certificates must be given to the wedded couple while the second original certificate is forwarded with the license to the Registrar General’s Office, P O Box 2236, Government Buildings, Suva, Fiji, within 7 days.

Additional Religious Ceremony

Section 36 (1) (2)

Where the Registrar General or District Registrar has already performed a civil marriage, a religious marriage officer may perform further religious marriage ceremony or blessing. No further certificate of marriage shall be issued by the religious marriage officer.

Embossed Marriage Certificate with “Apostille Stamp”

All member countries adopting the agreement on the Convention have abolished the requirement of legalization for Foreign Public Documents.

  • The Convention was opened for signatures to member countries at the Hague on the 5th October, 1961. The agreement includes public document which has been executed in one country and is required to be presented into the Territory of another country.
  • The Convention have allowed and include civil documents such as Marriages, Births and Deaths Certificates exempted from legislation of documents and the only formality required is the affixing of a certificate by the competent authority of the country from which the document is issued. This certificate or stamp is titled: “Apostille (Convention de La Hague du 5 October 1961”)

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is equipped with the designated authority to certify public documents under the convention.

Office Hours

Registrar General’s Office (Suva)
8.30 am – 3.00 pm Monday – Friday
Tel. #: 331 5280
Fax #: 330 4917

Divisional Registrar Lautoka
9.00 am – 3.00 pm Monday – Friday
Tel. #: (679) 666 5132
Fax #: (679) 666 5132

Divisional Registrar Labasa
9.00 am – 3.00 pm Monday – Friday
Tel. #: (679) 881 2477
Fax #: (679) 881 4181

District Registrar (DOs)
8.00 am – 3.00 pm Monday – Friday
Nadi, Sigatoka, Navua, Ba, Rakiraki, Tavua, Korovou, Nausori,
Levuka, Nabouwalu, Savusavu, Taveuni