The Education & Training feature highlights all bilateral activities undertaken by the Mission in facilitating short-term and long-term training programmes for both Fijian government officials and non-civil servants, including exchange programmes for police and military officers; diplomatic training progammes for foreign service officers; and Indonesian culture & language programmes for Fijian nationals.
National Resilience Institute of Indonesia (LEMHANAS) Regular Education Program (PPRA 2024)
The Lemhannas Regular Education Program, Batch 66 of 2024, consisting of 100 Indonesian professionals and 8 international participants, was officially opened in Jakarta on Tuesday, 30th January 2024. The institute aims to strengthen national-level leaders’ capacity in political strategy, policing, and national defense. Batch 66 is anticipated to graduate in August 2024.The event was attended by Governor Maman Firmansyah and Fiji Embassy Counsellor Solo Momoivalu.

Counsellor Momoivalu far left and far right Director of Operations, SSP Vusonilawe
Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship (BSBI 2023)
The Indonesian Channel 2023 event was opened directly by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
“We appreciate our friends who have diligently studied Indonesian arts and culture. “These friends are friends of Indonesia who can promote and become agents of peace through the fields of arts and culture,” said Retno Marsudi