Fiji offers many opportunities in the traditional economic sectors as well as in rapidly growing sectors like ICT, Manufacturing, Tourism, Mining, Food Processing, Services and Resource-based sectors, to name a few.

How to Invest in Fiji

The Foreign Investment Act (FIA) 1999 and Foreign Investment (Amendment) Act 2004 lay down the guidelines by which a foreign investor can invest in Fiji. There are 20 Articles in the Foreign Investment Act 1999 and Foreign Investment (Amendment) Act 2004.

Foreign investors are required to carefully study (Checklist):

  • the list of Reserved Activities
  • the Restricted Activities
  • application for Foreign Investment Registration Certificate

Steps to Investing in Fiji

Prior to the commencement of the business, a foreign investor will be expected to apply for and obtain approval from the following agencies:

  • Reservation of Business name from Registrar of Companies.
  • Investment Fiji for Foreign Investment Registration (FIRC)
  • Department of Immigration for work permits
  • Registrar of Companies Office for the registration of the business
  • Fiji Revenue & Customs Authority for the registration of Tax and Vat
  • Reserve Bank of Fiji for the issue of capital
  • Local town/city councils for business license to operate in the respective area
  • Fiji National Provident Fund for registration of the workers

For detailed information, visit Investment Fiji Website