The Fiji Embassy in Beijing is accredited to the following Multilateral Financial Institutions / Multilateral Organisation

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a multilateral development bank whose mission is financing the Infrastructure for Tomorrow—infrastructure with sustainability at its core. It began operations in Beijing in January 2016 and have since grown to 109 approved members worldwide. Fiji has been a member of the AIIB since December 11, 2017.

The AIIB through a USD50-milllion loan under the AIIB’s COVID-19 Recovery Facility (CRF) had assisted the Government of Fiji to restore its fiscal sustainability and promote inclusive-resilient economic growth particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic and in this regard co-financed with the Asian Development Bank Fiji’s Sustainable and Resilient Recovery Program. The Bank has also provided financial support to Fiji’s Sustained Private Sector-Led Growth Reform Program.

Engagements undertaken by the Embassy with the AIIB includes participation at AIIB key forums in Beijing, as well as invitations to Think Tank Dialogue.

International Network on Bamboo and Rattan [INBAR]

Fiji became a member of INBAR on 1 September 2020 and since then has collaborated with the latter to develop Fiji’s bamboo industry. Fiji has some 20 species of bamboo. Bamboo is a key part of life and culture for Fiji and many other Pacific Island states, and has been used for centuries for a wide range of purposes, including construction, rafts and fishing traps. It can help contribute to Fiji’s efforts in combating deforestation, climate change and unemployment.

Engagements with INBAR in the past have included high-level Ministerial visits to the INBAR HQ in Beijing, as well as co-hosts of events “Bamboo for Climate Change action in Small Island Developing States” convened in the margin of COP23 .

The Embassy has contributed to INBAR-initiated dialogue on ‘green recovery in the pandemic –afflicted world” and through engagement aspires towards sustainable development of the bamboo and rattan industry in Oceania and the world.
Fiji and China have also collaborated extensively on forestry management in decades and Fiji’s membership does not only facilitate sector development in Fiji but also provides new opportunities and impetus for forestry cooperation between Fiji and China.