n a historic occasion to be witnessed next week, the Governments of Cook Islands and Samoa will open their first ever diplomatic missions based in Suva, Fiji.
The inaugural opening of the Cook Islands High Commission is scheduled on next week Monday 6th June 2022, followed by the opening of Samoa High Commission on Tuesday, 7th June 2022.
At the official opening program of the Cook Islands and Samoan High Commissions, Prime Minister Honourable Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama will join the Prime Minister of the Cook Islands Honourable Mark Brown and the Samoan Prime Minister Honourable Fiame Naomi Mata’afa, who will be present in Fiji for the opening of their respective missions.
Prime Minister Bainimarama will also have meetings with the Prime Minister Brown and Prime Minister Mata’afa.
The establishment of the Cook Islands and Samoa’s diplomatic missions in Suva, demonstrates the longstanding bilateral relations and enhanced cooperation of the two nations with Fiji.
It symbolises the commitment of the Pacific family to strengthen partnerships for the advancement of shared aspirations and regional solidarity.
Samoan High Commissioner to Fiji, His Excellency, Ali’ioaiga Feturi Elisaia said “The opening the new Samoan High Commission in Fiji, signifies Samoa’s unwavering commitment to elevate the current collaboration with Fiji at all levels and it’s also a true reflection of the strengthened relationship between the two countries, nurtured over many years.”
“Having a full-fledged diplomatic presence in Suva ushers in a new dawn in the enduring and multifaceted Samoa-Fiji relations which is anchored in mutual trust and respect, genuine friendship and people to people ties.”
“Being on the ground where all other Forum Island members are represented including the presence of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) and other Council of Regional Organisations of the Pacific (CROP) agencies, will allow Samoa to be an effective part of the solution in the Pacific collective search to unlock opportunities for expanded cooperation and build ever closer ties between Samoa and Fiji and the rest of our member states.”
Cook Islands High Commissioner to Fiji, His Excellency Jim Armistead said the opening of the Cook Islands High Commission reaffirms the Government of Cook Islands’ exemplary partnership with the Fijian Government in advancing shared aspirations.
“Fiji is at the heart of the Pacific and establishing a mission here has been a longstanding ambition for the Cook Islands and reflects the close ties that exists between our two countries. There are many opportunities to expand our cooperation in trade, commerce, labour, education, culture, and people to people exchanges.”
The cordial relations of Fiji with Samoa and Cook Islands has continued to strengthen in socioeconomic development and mutual interests, over the years.
Fiji established its diplomatic ties with Samoa in 1974, and with Cook Islands in 1998.